New York City Reports Fewer Died in Traffic Accidents Last Year

A recent management report from New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg shows a noticeable recent decline in traffic fatalities. According to the Mayor's Management Report, New York City traffic accident deaths fell to 261 in the most recent fiscal year, 30 deaths lower than in the previous 12 months. The annual report, which essentially benchmarks performance by city agencies, has been required by law since 1935 as a form of report card on city services. The latest issue covers fiscal year 2013, which ran from the start of July 2012 through the end of June 2013. Of the 261total fatalities, motorists and passengers accounted for 93, bicyclists and pedestrians for 168. Both categories saw a decline from levels the previous year, when 115 motorists and passengers died from traffic accidents, along with 176 bicyclists and pedestrians. The overall drop in traffic accident deaths was about 10%, with motorist and passenger deaths down by more than 19% and bicyclist and pedestrian fatalit...