New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Injuries Or Death While At Hospital Emergency Room
We all see the headlines: California child loses limbs after five hours wait in hospital's emergency room; New York woman dies in New York hospital's waiting room; California woman dies in emergency room lobby as 911 refuses to help, and so on. If you are one of those unfortunate individuals who have gone to a hospital's ER, then you have experienced the feeling that your condition will get worse before you see a doctor. Lawyer office in Illinois . According to a New York medical malpractice attorney, "the fact is, most city hospitals are not equipped or staffed to promptly attend to every patient who goes to the emergency room." The below incidents are heartbreaking examples of what may occur when hospitals and doctors fail to promptly respond to patients in the emergency room. Sacramento Child Loses Limbs After A Five Hour Wait In Hospital Waiting Room A California couple recently filed a lawsuit alleging that a Sacramento hospital and doctors failed to time...